Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Rename Uncategorized Category in Wordpress

with 1 comment
Rename Uncategorized Category in Wordpress

Rename Uncategorized Category in Wordpress

when you finally setup your wordpress in your localhost or Webhost no matter, it comes with 1 default post and one default comment but also there is One default Category which named Uncategorized. but you can not delete that Uncategorized Category , where Default Post and Comment can delete easily.


 Why i can not delete Uncategorized Category?

in wordress Uncategorized Category Can not be deleted because it serves a very special purpose. that very special purpose is to show author/editor is forget or is careless.

when a author/editor forgets to select a specific category which is common mistake, which i used to do when i started my wordpress blogging. anyway wordpress automatically select uncategorized category for current article before it published. so not only that it shows in the URL Structure, but it also adds category among other category of blog/website.

Why Should You Care?

by running a professional site/blog and have an uncategorized category pop up due to a small human mistake. In my opinion, this causes a slight decrease in reputation of the author/editor of the blog/site. Often times this happen due to an small mistake, and some people take it as the author/editor was careless or not interested.

This also occurs if an author/editor saved the post without choosing a specific category. WordPress will automatically select uncategorized category and later if the author/editor did not unselect this category, the post is published in two categories resulting your uncategorized category to pop up.

What is Solution ? even you are careless.

Humans make mistake, but what can we do to resolve it. Sometimes first time users can get carried away and leave your website due to a small mistake. Therefore i found a simple solution. That is to rename your category to "Other".

Other sounds more professional then uncategorized, and it just shows the reader that the articles did not belong in any specific category so it is in Other category.

How to Rename Uncategorized Category in Wordpress?

To rename the uncategorized category to other, head over to WordPress Admin Panel.

  •  Click on the tab Posts > Categories

Rename Uncategorized Category in Wordpress step 1

  • Bring your mouse over to Uncategorized 

Rename Uncategorized Category in Wordpress step 2

  • Edit option will appear. Click edit and change your category name and slug to Other.

Rename Uncategorized Category in Wordpress step 3

  • Hit update and you are done.

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1 comment:

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