Saturday, November 7, 2015

21 Steps to write a good article

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21 Steps to write a good article

21 Steps for you who write article for their blog/business or anything, read how to write good article with some good basics about writing. here below 21 steps or you can say 21 main things to focus on when you write article/post.

  1. number one choose your topic and decide its boundaries, topic must be something that you can write about 500-600 words about it.  
  2.  make serious and detailed research on the topic, research and read new content maybe old one  became outdated.   
  3. read some books and get practical knowledge about topic so you can cover every aspect of your topic.   
  4. if your topic is boring, revise it and make it short and interesting.  
  5. make you plan about writing article, like i give other authors to write some parts of my article then i combine them all and publish a high quality article.  
  6. classify the knowledge that you read and collect from different resources.  
  7. do not include irrelevant information in your article.  
  8. start to write your article according to your plan.(start writing you will be inspired as soon as  you begin to write).  
  9. write your article in a clear and plain language that everyone can understand. use technical words where it is required only. make your article more simple to understand .   
  10. if your readers are people of all ages then make article that can be understand by all ages of  people, so they can aim and sentence easily. 
  11. your post/article should be clear to people that what you want to say about concept and words  in article/post.  
  12. start your article from basic introduction, it make good impact on readers.  
  13.  more often include main idea in article/post that you want to say/explain.  
  14. be careful about spelling mistakes, read 2 times to make sure there is no spelling mistake.  
  15. a good article should be long enough but do not make it boring and irrelevant, do not use unnecessary words,sentences,paragraphs or information. 
  16. Quote the main information/Sentences/Paragraph, to grab readers attention.  
  17. give proper heading/subheadings in your article to reader, so that readers can only read what they want.  
  18. after article/post link your organization/personal social links to engage your readers on social media.  
  19. use anchor tag/hyperlinks where it is required, like you want to tell your reader that if they want to know more go to or Like Source: like that.  
  20. only words are not enough, you know image can explain  more then words, use relevant images where is is required.  
  21. After completing your article, send it to at least three, if possible five, people on whose knowledge and perspective you rely. Request them to criticize your article. Then edit your article according to their critics, and after reading again and again till you are sure, send it to relevant places to be published. 

 That's it, if you want to know us more steps that we should mention comment down below, hope it is helpful also please subscribe to our email subscription, and share this post with your bloggers group.


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