Friday, September 25, 2015

What to Do Before Applying for Google AdSense

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What to Do Before Applying for Google AdSense

People Join Google Adsense to start earning some extra money with some efforts, it seems that everyone wants to make money by joining Google's AdSense Feature.

Things are today changed, not joining adsense is not that easy as past days, applying for AdSense Takes More effort and some Restrictions so that you can take full advantage of their services.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Adding a Meta Description to Blogger

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Adding a Meta Description to Blogger
an important part of good seo is meta description of post, which commonly located in head section, google crawler crawl meta title and meta description for search result, so if there are not meta description is lead less chance of ranking in blogger its no option to add meta description in dashboard so in this article you will find how you can add meta description in blogger platform.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Find Your Wordpress blog Audience

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Find Your Wordpress blog Audience - Google analytics Featured Image

What Is Google Analytics?

You own Wordpress? do you want to track your audience like, no problem here is solution how you can find your wordpress blog audience using one powerfull tool is called "google analytics" yes as from you name it is a google's tool for other website owners and wordpress bloggers to track their audiences.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

How to Add Blog in Google Search Engine

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How to Add Blog in Google Search Engine

How to Add Blog in Google Search Engine Featured Image
Image Source:
Hello Bloggers, in this article you will read about how to submit your link to google so that your blog can be show up when you search your blog name, it is very easy just follow some below steps and you done but it will take about 1-24 hour to take place in google so be patient.

Top 7 Tools For Blogging Ideas

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Top 7 Tools For Blogging IdeasSometime you Do not know what to post , what people want, what should i post ? etc.. questions are common, so here is Top 7 Tools For Blogging Ideas from you can find topics and Hot Items to post on your blog.

i am coming with seven great sites/tools that will give you ideas and Also you can find and write about viral content of past.

well sit tight and read continue..


How to Remove Bloggers NavBar

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featured image Of How to Remove Bloggers NavBar

How to Remove Bloggers NavBar set default NavBar in Blog, this navigation bar can be very useful when you are blogging , but sometimes its useless and ugly looking specially when you use custom made templates or it will be hide when you use this type of third part templates, so in this tutorial i will teach you how to remove that navbar from page layout.

Friday, September 11, 2015

How to Choose the Best WordPress Hosting?

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WordPress Hostingweb hosting is one of the key component of every successful website. Choosing the best web hosting for your needs can improve your SEO and increase sales. There are various different types of WordPress hosting options available such as Free, Shared, VPS, Dedicated, and managed WordPress hosting. In this guide, we will help you choose the best WordPress hosting for your website.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

how to remove labels from blogger post

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how to remove labels from blogger post

how to remove labels from blogger post imagemany blogger do not like labels below or above post unnecessary,as you have already in blog's siderbar. so this article teach you how to remove them manually from template's code. to hide labels from the blogger post footer(or some where else ) if you are working in custom template then this is for you, because you can turn off in default template.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

What is SEO? And How it is Useful for blog

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What is SEO? And How it is Useful for blogWhat is SEO?

we know that today if we want anything we just search in google, so according to search engine we need to optimize our website so if any person search for example: Computer then your website which is related to computer products will show up.

Self Hosted OR Free

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Self Hosted OR Free

So many of newbie blogger are confuse between Self-Hosted OR Free well here is comparison between self hosted wordpress vs free as INFOGRAPHY Form From WpBeginner.

Tips and Tools to Pick the Best Domain Name

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Tips and Tools to Pick the Best Domain NamePicking the right domain name for a blog is an First step to success. Think of a domain name as a brand to your website, and like any other product, a blog will be really hard to rebrand if you decide to choose another name. Some people underestimate the process of picking the domain, and i want you to take it seriously and make the right choice. With that in mind, pick what you think is the best using the tips and tools i provide in this article.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Backup and Restore Blogger Templates

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Backup and RestoreWant to Backup Blogger Template or Want to restore blogger templateHere is a quick guide for you to backup and restore blogger template.

If you are going to modify your template to add some cool features, codes or any other thing. You must Backup blogger template to avoid risk of any error. If you gets any error than this will help you to easily restore blogger template from previous backup. I will show you how to Backup and Restore blogger template.

which you should choose Self-hosting or free alternative?

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Free vs Paid
this is difficult to decide that You need to decide whether to pay for your blog or grab a free one. well depends on how serious you are about blogging.

which blogging platform is good?

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Graph of top blogging platforms this is very common question ask by every newbie blogger so this is for you choose your blogging platform wisely..

Selecting in which you need to create web site is actually virtually the vital thing you want to do. I’m gonna create a jump and believe you’ve discovered WordPress, and this is the software We recommend. It’s significant. 

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